And I love you more than I did before..

And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side

And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face

Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Well I try to live without you
The tears fall from my eyes

I'm alone and I feel empty
God I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars
Hoping your doing the same

I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you

So stay, please always stay
You're the one that I hold on to

'Cause my heart would stop without you..

Hittade en låt som stämmer in på mig typ så här exakt.
Och om du läser det här så hoppas jag att du hör av dig..För saknar dig förjävla mycke..


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